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The method of study

Siddhars/Rishis are saints in India

When a thumb impression from a native is obtained it is handed over by the reader at the library. The palm-leaf bundles are classified &indexed in the library according to thumb impression to facilitate easy searching of the bundles. For each thumb impression there are likely to be around 5 to 6 bundles; each such bundle will contain between 50 to 100 leaves. The leaf of one particular individual may be found out in the first bundle or in any other bundle among the six. some times it may not be found out, as the predictions from this holy script is confined to some limited souls. Hence, the process of finding out this specific leaf is laborious and time consuming. Because the reader has to read out one statement from the first leaf and if it is confirmed by the native, he will read out the second statement to verify its veracity. If this statement does not hold true for the native the reader will have to go on searching leaf after leaf, bundle after bundle to trace out the one leaf in which all the particulars concerning the Native correctly appear., To expedite this process the Native has to extend his full co-operation i.e., he should listen to the reading carefully and answer correctly.

This results in the tracing out of not only the leaf but also the first Kaandam also called General Kaandam representing the native’s lagna. The General Kaandam will also furnish brief predictions of the remaining 12 houses of the Native’s birth chart, If detailed predictions of any other house are required,they can be studied in the relevant Kaandam given in the Annexure. For acquiring the good results, as extended by this holy script, the Rishis insist that the Native should be free from the evil influence of all their previous birth sins. Therefore, the rishis suggest and specifies the performance of certain parihaaras (remedies). If these Remedies are performed with full involvement, the Rishi assures the happening of the events predicted by him. These are found in separate chapters called Shanthi&Deeksha(No 13 & 14).

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